

Reactogenicity of a three-dose pertussis acellular vaccine catch-up in children 21-40 months of age

A. AnemonaPaola StefanelliAlberto E. TozziStefania SalmasoMarta Ciofi Degli AttiAnna Giammanco


MaleBordetella pertussisPediatricsmedicine.medical_specialtyAgingDose-Response Relationship ImmunologicBordetella pertussisMedicineHumansAdverse effectWhooping coughImmunization SchedulePertussis VaccineReactogenicityGeneral VeterinaryGeneral Immunology and Microbiologybiologybusiness.industryVaccinationPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthInfantbiology.organism_classificationmedicine.diseaseAntibodies BacterialVaccinationInfectious DiseasesImmunizationEl NiñoChild PreschoolImmunoglobulin GToxicityImmunologyMolecular MedicineFemalebusiness


Abstract The reactogenicity of a three-dose catch-up acellular pertussis (aP) immunization of children at 21–40 months of age was evaluated. Vaccination was well-tolerated: fever ≥38°C was reported after 5% of administered doses and local reactions after 14–15%. The onset of adverse events was not associated with age at vaccination, interval between doses or previous presence of antibodies against pertussis, whereas injection in sites other than the buttock and presence of the same symptom after a previous dose were associated with higher reactogenicity. Because of the good safety profile of primary aP immunization in children >1 year of age, catch-up vaccination campaigns could be considered in areas where pertussis whole-cell vaccination uptake has been low and where the number of susceptible children should be reduced to control pertussis circulation.
