

The pre-appropriation of controlling tools : the role of the enabling management

Marion Hertzog


Controlling toolsEnabling controlEmotionsPré-appropriationPerceptionsOutils de contrôleReprésentationsPilotage[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationPre-appropriationManagementContrôle capacitant


The appropriation of controlling tools is a theme that has been widely addressed research in management over the last twenty years (De Vaujany, 2005, 2006; Carton et al., 2006; Grimand, 2006, 2012, Quemener and Fimbel, 2012; Bessire et al., 2012; Bédé et al., 2012; Bernard, 2019, Couleau-Dupont, 2010, ...). This research has mobilised various theoretical frameworks and methodologies. Some mobilise the theory of appropriation proposed by De Vaujany (2005), some others use theoretical frameworks from other disciplines, such as legitimacy (Suchman, 1995), regulation theory (Reynaud, 1979) or even neo-institutional theory (Di Maggio and Powell, 1991). The literature does not propose a single framework or typology to analyse appopriation as it is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon (Peeters et al., 2014; Canet and Tran, 2017) that can be influenced by internal and/or external factors. In this thesis, we chose to mobilise two original theoretical frameworks: proximity (Boschma, 2005) and enabling control (Benoit, 2016; Adler and Borys, 1996).The use of these theoretical frameworks enabled us to address the main problematic of this thesis: What types of management should be deployed for the appropriation of controlling tools? This problem was divided into three research questions which focus not only on the factors of failure in the appropriation process but also on the management methods used during the pre-appropriation phase (De Vaujany, 2005). Looking at the management types in this phase allows us to have a larger consideration of the conditions of deployment of controlling tools, particularly from the perspective of representations and emotions as proposed by Lajante and Lux (2018).To answer these questions, we have published several works that we have gathered in this thesis. These works have been carried out using two main methodologies - case study (Yin, 1994) and intervention research (Cappelleti, 2010; Krief and Zardet, 2013) - which correspond to two distinct epistemological approaches. The results of our different studies allow us to draw lessons on the mechanisms of appropriation as well as on the factors influencing the pre-appropriation phase. Our work is structured as a funnel from contextual and organisational factors of appropriation to individual elements.
