

Application of Silsesquioxanes in the Preparation of Polyolefin-Based Materials


copolymerizationPOSS-comonomersiloxane–silsesquioxane resinpolymerizationtransition metal–silsesquioxane complexcompositepolyolefinsolefinPOSScatalyst


This paper is a review of studies on the use of the polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) of various structures in the synthesis of polyolefins and the modification of their properties, namely: (1) components of organometallic catalytic systems for the polymerization of olefins, (2) comonomers in the copolymerization with ethylene, and (3) fillers in composites based on polyolefins. In addition, studies on the use of new silicon compounds, i.e., siloxane–silsesquioxane resins, as fillers for composites based on polyolefins are presented. The authors dedicate this paper to Professor Bogdan Marciniec on the occasion of his jubilee.

10.3390/ma1605187610.3390/ma16051876https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16051876 10.3390/ma16051876