

Woodcuts and Some Words: Edward Gordon Craig’s lasting impressions

Sophie Aymes-stokes


Symbolism[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Literaturewood engravingliterary impressionism[SHS.LITT]Humanities and Social Sciences/LiteratureModernism[SHS.ART] Humanities and Social Sciences/Art and art historyPrint culture[SHS.ART]Humanities and Social Sciences/Art and art historyTheatre


This article examines Edward Gordon Craig’s analogy between drama and wood engraving, stage and printed page in his autobiographical handbook on wood engraving, Woodcuts and Some Words (1924). Taking as a premise Craig’s interest in the world of print as materialization of his “new theatre”, it explores the semantic shift of the notion of impression from the symbolist realm of suggestion to that of modernist imprint. It finally seeks to determine the significance of engraving in Craig’s career, a medium that was the matrix, the relic and the archive of the images and of the ideal vision he pursued all his life.
