

Current trends on subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation in recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders

Pietro CanziStefano BerrettiniAndrea AlberaMaurizio BarbaraLuca BruschiniAndrea CanaleElena CarlottoEdoardo CovelliDomenico CudaFrancesco DispenzaMaurizio FalcioniFrancesca ForliSebastiano FranchellaLorenzo GainiSalvatore GallinaAndrea LaboraiRuggero LapennaFrancesco LazzeriniStefano MalpedeMarco MandalàDomenico MinerviniEnrico PasanisiGiampietro RicciFrancesca VibertiDiego ZanettiElisabetta ZanolettiMarco Benazzo


cochlear implantationrefractorychronic middle ear disordersrecurrentsubtotal petrosectomy cochlear implant cochlear implantation chronic otitis media chronic middle ear disorders recalcitrant refractory recurrentchronic otitis mediacochlear implantchronic middle ear disorderrecalcitrantsubtotal petrosectomy


Objective. To establish the safety and effectiveness of subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation in patients affected by chronic middle ear disorders to refractory to previous surgical treatments. Methods. A multicentre, retrospective study was conducted on patients affected by recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders who underwent cochlear implantation in combi-nation with subtotal petrosectomy. Patients’ details were collected from databases of 11 Italian tertiary referral centres. Additionally, a review of the most updated literature was carried out. Results. 55 patients were included with a mean follow-up time of 44 months. Cholestea-toma was the most common middle ear recurrent pathology and 50.9% of patients had an open cavity. 80% of patients underwent a single stage surgery. One case of explantation for device failure was reported among the 7 patients with post-operative complications. Conclusions. Subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation is a benchmark for management of patients with recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders. A single stage procedure is the most recommended strategy. Optimal follow-up is still debated. Further studies are required to investigate the role of this surgery in paediatric patients. © Società Italiana di Otorinolaringoiatria e Chirurgia Cervico-Facciale.
