

On bottom steel plate to concrete anchorage in hybrid steel trussed concrete beams

N CancellierePiero ColajanniLidia La Mendola


Settore ICAR/09 - Tecnica Delle Costruzionifour point bending testsstress transferring mechanismhybrid steel trussed beam


A semi-precast hybrid steel trussed-concrete beam typology is considered. Beams are made up of a steel truss encased in a concrete beam. The steel to concrete stress transferring mechanism is analyzed by experimental tests on six specimens of the beam. Four point bending tests on three slab thick beams and three full thick beams have been carried out. The instrumentation allowed to measure global and local response. The global response was monitored in terms of load vs. midspan-deflection curves and the local response was recorded by strain-gauges placed both on the bottom steel plate and at the top concrete surface of the beam in order to investigate the stress transfer mechanism between steel and concrete.
