

An Environmental Analysis of the Effect of Energy Saving, Production and Recovery Measures on Water Supply Systems under Scarcity Conditions

Mariacrocetta SambitoGabriele FreniValeria Puleo


Control and OptimizationNatural resource economicsleakageEnergy Engineering and Power TechnologyWater supplylcsh:Technologyjel:Q40Water conservationjel:Qjel:Q43jel:Q42jel:Q41jel:Q48jel:Q47Electrical and Electronic EngineeringEngineering (miscellaneous)jel:Q49Energy recoveryRenewable Energy Sustainability and the Environmentbusiness.industrylcsh:Twater supplyEnvironmental resource managementjel:Q0Energy consumptionperformance indicatorsjel:Q4Energy conservationGreenhouse gasSustainabilityEnvironmental sciencewater supply; energy; leakage; GHG; performance indicatorsGHGbusinessEnergy (miscellaneous)Efficient energy useenergy


Water is one of the primary resources provided for maintaining quality of life and social status in urban areas. As potable water is considered to be a primary need, water service has usually been managed without examining the economic and environmental sustainability of supply processes. Currently, due to increases in energy costs and the growth of environment preservation policies, reducing water leakage, energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) production have become primary objectives in reducing the environmental footprint of water service. The present paper suggests the implementation of some performance indicators that show the interdependence of water loss, energy consumption and GHG emission. These indicators are used to compare a few possible mitigation scenarios involving water loss reduction and increasing the system’s energy efficiency. The proposed indicators were applied to a complex urban water supply system serving the city of Palermo (Italy).
