

Relación entre la percepción de validez de una rúbrica, el rendimiento académico y la autorregulación de estudiantes de ciencias del deporte

Lara Requena-buenoPedro Pérez-sorianoJose Ignacio Priego-quesadaMarina Gil-calvoIrene Jimenez-perez


Innovación educativaAprendizajeEvaluacióneducationAutorregulaciónRendimiento académicoPercepción validezOral presentationAcademic performanceValidity perceptionRubricsExposición oralEducación superiorSelf-regulationRúbricasEnseñanza universitariaLearningEnseñanza superiorHigher educationTecnologías y educaciónEvaluation


[EN] The use of rubrics can be an especially useful tool to align the teaching, learning and evaluation processes of oral presentation. Its validity is essential to assess academic performance and may be influenced by student self-regulation. The objective of the study was to determine the perception of validity and utility of a rubric for students of the Physical Education and Sports Sciences degree, as well as to identify the relationship between this perception, their academic performance and their self-regulation. 123 students participated in the study. The teacher of the subject provided the rubric to evaluate oral presentations. After oral presentations, students answered two questionnaires: one about the perception of the validity of the rubric and the other about self-regulation. In addition, their academic performance was recorded. The students positively assessed the rubric’s validity as a method of preparing and evaluating the oral presentation. Self-regulation presented a clearer direct relationship with the perception of rubric’s validity than academic performance, however, this relationship was weak and needs to be verified in future studies.
