Localising Supranational Concepts of Literacy in Adult Second Language Teaching
Lars HolmSari Pöyhönensubject
language education policiesadult second language learningtoisen kielen oppiminenCEFRlukutaitoaikuiset maahanmuuttajatEurooppalainen viitekehyskielikoulutuspolitiikkadescription
In this chapter we are analyzing how literacy is conceptualized within education – more specifically within adult second language education in Denmark and Finland. Language and literacy are generally described as highly important for societal growth, coherence and democracy in statements from governments and international agencies. However, in our research literacy appears as a more complex and contradictory resource that is increasingly used as a demarcation line for inclusion and exclusion in the ever more globalised national states. peerReviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2012-01-01 |