

Epoche d'impianto e sistemi di allevamento per il fagiolo "Badda"

Filippo VetranoSalvatore FascellaGiovanni IapichinoGiovanni Incalcaterra


Settore AGR/04 - Orticoltura E Floricolturabeam germplasm landrace productivity


The bean landrace"Badda" has been cultivated since long ago in the Madonie mountains in the northern side of Sicily.It is characterized by a bush indeterminate habit and comprises two ecoty termed 'Badda bianca ' and 'Badda nera' according to the seed colour. This paper describes the results of a study on the effects of four sowing dates (June 15 and 30, July 15 and 30) and two vertical training sustems 8a frame of Arundo donax dry canes or a trellis consisting of several strands of wire) on productivity of the phaseolus landrace 'Badda bianca'. Marketable yields obtained from 15 june sowing were significantly higher than those from June 30 and July 15 sowing dates which in turn were significantly higher than those fron July 30. Sowing dates had no effects on number of seeds per pod and 1000-seed weight. the two training systems had no influence on yields. However, trellising with wire strands resulted in a more practical training approach.
