Bestim network : stimulating plant health in agroécological systems
Elsa BalliniRégis BerthelotMarie TurnerMarie-noëlle BrissetAdrien GauthierMarie-claire HéloirSophie Trouvelotsubject
[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]description
The evolution of agriculture is facing strong societal expectations. One of them is to drasticallyreduce the use of synthetic inputs and in particular of plant protection products (PPP). In response,farmers and professionals in charge of agricultural development must invent a so-called "agroecological" agriculture, by ensuring profitability and sustainability of production systems and byimplementing a combination of many levers. The BESTIM network is part of this logic and proposes theconcept of "agroecological immunity" which aims to optimize the stimulation of plant health in efficientagroecological systems. We’ve adapted the concept of ecological immunity initially described in theanimal system (Sadd and Schmid-Hempel, 2009; Schulenburg et al., 2009), to the plant system placed inan agroecological context.Plant health is to be understood here in a broad sense. It covers all the physiological mechanisms thatensure the expression of an efficient immune system that protects the plant from pests and diseaseswhile guaranteeing optimal development (yield, quality) and taking into account its environment(microbiota, abiotic stresses). The objective of the BESTIM network is not limited to understanding thephysiological mechanisms involved in the application of different levers, alone or in combination, thatimpact immunity. It aims, during the 5 years of the approval period (2021 - 2025), to transfer thisknowledge from the laboratory to the field and to associate it with other alternative levers alreadyavailable or being developed to achieve redesigned cropping systems tending towards "low inputs".The RMT BESTIM brings together many organizations wishing to engage collectively in thisagroecological immunity approach: Research institute, universities, Grandes Ecoles, agriculturalHighschool, Technical Institute, R&D centers, Producers associations….You can join the network here: https://rmt-bestim.org/
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2022-01-01 |