

«Den dagen PC-en går i stykker, da er mye av min verden gått i stykker» : En kvalitativ studie om eldres bruk av Duka-PC

Katrin FjellheimAnita Kristin Jensen


Duka-PCdigital teknologilivskvalitetbrukervennlighetmotivasjonelderlymestringusabilitymotivationquality of lifeVDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Helsefag: 800eldreME520digital technologymastering


Masteroppgave klinisk helsevitenskap ME520 - Universitetet i Agder 2019 Background:Information and communication technology (ICT) affects our everyday lives and the government wants it to be equal opportunities for everyone despite gender, age, background and economy. Many seniors want to be an active player in this digital everyday life. However, lack of knowledge and skills may affectthe confidence to get started. Technological solutions are needed that canmeet their needs and which are adjusted to the functional impairments the individual may have. The importance of facilitated training and user-friendly equipment can be of great value to achieve a greater degree of mastering and confidence. This study highlights how a senior-friendly PC is used and how this can affect the quality of life of the elderly. Purpose and issue:The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge ofhow seniors use their Duka-PC and how this affects their everyday lives and quality of life. The research questionis as follows: «How do the elderly experience the use of their senior-friendly Duka-PC, and howdoesit affect their quality of life?»Method:The study includesa qualitative research design with a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach. Aqualitative method has been conductedto gain a greater understanding of the elderly's use of digital technology, and in-depth knowledge of howDuka-PC can affect the elderly's quality of life. Semi-structured interviews of nine elderly users of Duka-PC were carried out. The age of theparticipantsranged from the age of 70 and up. The data was analyzed using Malterud`ssystematic text condensation. Findings:The participantsused their Duka-PC for online banking, e-mail and Facebook. It had great value for the participantsto be able to keep in touch with family and friends on social media,and many expressed a concern for other elderly people who were not yet online. The support service provided increased confidence and mastery of the Duka-PC, and theparticipantsexperienced that the use of the Duka-PC provided more participation in the society. Some participants also expressed concern for a society that is becoming increasingly digitalized. Conclusion: The study shows that the use of adapted digital technology, with a support service that Duka-PC offers, increaseseveryday activitiesandsocial contact, and provide increased mastery and independence in the use of digital tools. ivKeywords:Duka-PC, elderly, digital technology, mastering, motivation, usability, quality of life.
