Kardar–Parisi–Zhang scaling in kinetic roughening of fire fronts
Markko MyllysMikko J. AlavaJ. MaunukselaJussi TimonenTapio Ala-nissilaTapio Ala-nissilaTapio Ala-nissilasubject
Statistics and ProbabilityPhysicsFront propagationCondensed Matter::Statistical MechanicsStatistical physicsCondensed Matter PhysicsKinetic energyCombustionCondensed Matter::Disordered Systems and Neural NetworksScalingdescription
Abstract We show that the roughening of fire fronts in slow combustion of paper [7] follows the scaling predictions of the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation with thermal noise. By improved experimental accuracy it is now possible to observe the short-time and short-range correlations of the interfaces. These do not adhere to any standard picture, and in particular, do not seem to be related to any of the existing models of front propagation in the presence of quenched disorder.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1999-04-01 | Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications |