Changes in telepsychiatry regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic: 17 countries and regions' approaches to an evolving healthcare landscape
Roy KallivayalilChun Hung ChangJohn TorousAllison CrawfordTaishiro KishimotoTaishiro KishimotoYu-tao XiangDaniel GuinartNicola VeroneseSoraya SeedatPeter Mackinlay YellowleesGonzalo Salazar De PabloGonzalo Salazar De PabloChristoph U. CorrellChristoph U. CorrellDonald M. HiltyDonald M. HiltyAngela FavaroMohammad ElshamiPrakhar D JainMarco SolmiDeyvis RochaHakan KaraşYuya MizunoPernille KølbækJohn M. KaneDavid J. CastleDavid J. CastleDavid DinesKazunari YoshidaKazunari YoshidaShotaro KinoshitaShotaro KinoshitaKelley CortrightSangho ShinYuan YangKuan-pin Susubject
Telemedicinehealth insurance reimbursement020205 medical informaticsCOVID-19 government regulation health insurance reimbursement telemedicine telepsychiatrytelepsychiatry02 engineering and technologyPublic administration03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicineClinical ResearchPolitical sciencePandemicHealth careGlobal network0202 electrical engineering electronic engineering information engineeringPsychology030212 general & internal medicineApplied PsychologyReimbursementPsychiatrygovernment regulationbusiness.industryTelepsychiatryNeurosciencesCOVID-19Health ServicesPsychiatry and Mental healthGood Health and Well BeingSnowball samplingScale (social sciences)COVID-19; government regulation; health insurance reimbursement; telemedicine; telepsychiatryPublic Health and Health ServicesOriginal Articletelemedicinebusinessdescription
Author(s): Kinoshita, Shotaro; Cortright, Kelley; Crawford, Allison; Mizuno, Yuya; Yoshida, Kazunari; Hilty, Donald; Guinart, Daniel; Torous, John; Correll, Christoph U; Castle, David J; Rocha, Deyvis; Yang, Yuan; Xiang, Yu-Tao; Kolbaek, Pernille; Dines, David; ElShami, Mohammad; Jain, Prakhar; Kallivayalil, Roy; Solmi, Marco; Favaro, Angela; Veronese, Nicola; Seedat, Soraya; Shin, Sangho; Salazar de Pablo, Gonzalo; Chang, Chun-Hung; Su, Kuan-Pin; Karas, Hakan; Kane, John M; Yellowlees, Peter; Kishimoto, Taishiro | Abstract: BackgroundDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of telemedicine as a way to reduce COVID-19 infections was noted and consequently deregulated. However, the degree of telemedicine regulation varies from country to country, which may alter the widespread use of telemedicine. This study aimed to clarify the telepsychiatry regulations for each collaborating country/region before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodsWe used snowball sampling within a global network of international telepsychiatry experts. Thirty collaborators from 17 different countries/regions responded to a questionnaire on barriers to the use and implementation of telepsychiatric care, including policy factors such as regulations and reimbursement at the end of 2019 and as of May 2020.ResultsThirteen of 17 regions reported a relaxation of regulations due to the pandemic; consequently, all regions surveyed stated that telepsychiatry was now possible within their public healthcare systems. In some regions, restrictions on prescription medications allowed via telepsychiatry were eased, but in 11 of the 17 regions, there were still restrictions on prescribing medications via telepsychiatry. Lower insurance reimbursement amounts for telepsychiatry consultations v. in-person consultations were reevaluated in four regions, and consequently, in 15 regions telepsychiatry services were reimbursed at the same rate (or higher) than in-person consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic.ConclusionsOur results confirm that, due to COVID-19, the majority of countries surveyed are altering telemedicine regulations that had previously restricted the spread of telemedicine. These findings provide information that could guide future policy and regulatory decisions, which facilitate greater scale and spread of telepsychiatry globally.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2020-11-27 | Psychological Medicine |