

Event Horizon Telescope observations of the jet launching and collimation in Centaurus A

Michael JanssenHeino FalckeMatthias KadlerEduardo RosMaciek WielgusKazunori AkiyamaMislav BalokovićLindy BlackburnKatherine L. BoumanAndrew ChaelChi-kwan ChanKoushik ChatterjeeJordy DavelaarPhilip G. EdwardsChristian M. FrommJosé L. GómezCiriaco GoddiSara IssaounMichael D. JohnsonJunhan KimJun Yi KoayThomas P. KrichbaumJun LiuElisabetta Teodorina LiuzzoSera MarkoffAlex MarkowitzDaniel P. MarroneYosuke MizunoCornelia MüllerChunchong NiDominic W. PesceVenkatessh RamakrishnanFreek RoelofsKazi Lucie Jessica RyglIlse Van BemmelEvent Horizon Telescope CollaborationAntxon AlberdiWalter AlefJuan-carlos AlgabaRichard AnantuaKeiichi AsadaRebecca AzulayAnne-kathrin BaczkoDavid BallDavid BallJohn BarrettBradford A. BensonDan BintleyDan BintleyRaymond BlundellWilfred BolandWilfred BolandGeoffrey C. BowerHope BoyceMichael BremerChristiaan D. BrinkerinkRoger BrissendenSilke BritzenAvery E. BroderickDominique BroguiereThomas BronzwaerDo-young ByunJohn E. CarlstromShami ChatterjeeMing-tang ChenYongjun ChenPaul M. CheslerIlje ChoPierre ChristianJohn E. ConwayJames M. CordesThomas M. CrawfordGeoffrey B. CrewAlejandro Cruz-osorioYuzhu CuiYuzhu CuiMariafelicia De LaurentisRoger DeaneJessica DempseyGregory DesvignesJason DexterSheperd S. DoelemanRalph P. EatoughJoseph FarahJoseph FarahVincent L. FishEd FomalontH. Alyson FordRaquel Fraga-encinasPer FribergPer FribergAntonio FuentesPeter GalisonCharles F. GammieRoberto GarcíaZachary GellesOlivier GentazBoris GeorgievBoris GeorgievRoman GoldRoman GoldArturo I. Gómez-ruizMinfeng GuMark GurwellKazuhiro HadaDaryl HaggardMichael H. HechtRonald HesperElizabeth HimwichLuis C. HoPaul HoMareki HonmaChih-wei L. HuangLei HuangDavid H. HughesShiro IkedaMakoto InoueMakoto InoueDavid J. JamesBuell T. JannuziBuell T. JannuziBritton JeterWu JiangAlejandra Jimenez-rosalesAlejandra Jimenez-rosalesSvetlana JorstadTaehyun JungMansour KaramiRamesh KaruppusamyTomohisa KawashimaGarrett K. KeatingMark KettenisDong-jin KimJae-young KimJae-young KimJongsoo KimMotoki KinoMotoki KinoYutaro KofujiShoko KoyamaMichael KramerCarsten KramerCarsten KramerCheng-yu KuoTod R. LauerSang-sung LeeAviad LevisYan-rong LiZhiyuan LiMichael LindqvistRocco LicoGreg LindahlGreg LindahlKuo LiuKuo LiuWen-ping LoAndrei LobanovLaurent LoinardColin J. LonsdaleRu-sen LuNicholas R. MacdonaldJirong MaoNicola MarchiliNicola MarchiliNicola MarchiliAlan P. MarscherIván Martí-vidalSatoki MatsushitaLynn D. MatthewsLia MedeirosKarl M. MentenIzumi MizunoIzumi MizunoJames M. MoranKotaro MoriyamaMonika MoscibrodzkaMonika MoscibrodzkaGibwa MusokeAlejandro Mus MejíasHiroshi NagaiNeil M. NagarMasanori NakamuraRamesh NarayanGopal NarayananIniyan NatarajanAntonios NathanailJoey NeilsenRoberto NeriRoberto NeriAristeidis NoutsosMichael A. NowakHiroki OkinoHéctor OlivaresGisela N. Ortiz-leónTomoaki OyamaFeryal ÖZelDaniel C. M. PalumboJongho ParkNimesh PatelUe-li PenUe-li PenVincent PiétuRichard PlambeckAleksandar PopstefanijaOliver PorthFelix M. PötzlBen PratherJorge A. Preciado-lópezDimitrios PsaltisHung-yi PuHung-yi PuRamprasad RaoMark G. RawlingsAlexander W. RaymondLuciano RezzollaAngelo RicarteBart RipperdaBart RipperdaAlan RogersAlan RogersMel RoseArash RoshanineshatHelge RottmannAlan L. RoyChet RuszczykChet RuszczykSalvador SánchezDavid Sánchez-arguellesMahito SasadaTuomas SavolainenF. Peter SchloerbKarl-friedrich SchusterLijing ShaoZhiqiang ShenDes SmallBong Won SohnJason SoohooHe SunFumie TazakiAlexandra J. TetarenkoPaul TiedeRemo P. J. TilanusMichael TitusPablo TorneTyler TrentEfthalia TraianouSascha TrippeIlse Van BemmelHuib Jan Van LangeveldeDaniel R. Van RossumJan WagnerDerek Ward-thompsonJohn WardleJonathan WeintroubNorbert WexRobert WhartonRobert WhartonGeorge N. WongQingwen WuDoosoo YoonAndré YoungKen YoungZiri YounsiFeng YuanYe-fei YuanJ. Anton ZensusGuang-yao ZhaoShan-shan Zhao


AstrofísicaActive galactic nucleusCosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO)010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciencesEvent horizonastro-ph.GAAstronomyAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaAstrophysics - astrophysics of galaxiesAstrophysics - cosmology and nongalactic astrophysicsCentaurus AFOS: Physical sciencesAstrophysicsAstrophysics::Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics01 natural sciencesAstrophysics - high energy astrophysical phenomena0103 physical sciencesVery-long-baseline interferometry010303 astronomy & astrophysicsAstrophysics::Galaxy Astrophysics0105 earth and related environmental sciencesAstronomia ObservacionsEvent Horizon TelescopePhysicsastro-ph.HEHigh Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)Supermassive black holeJet (fluid)Galactic CenterAstronomy and AstrophysicsAstrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)astro-ph.CO


Full list of authors: Janssen, Michael; Falcke, Heino; Kadler, Matthias; Ros, Eduardo; Wielgus, Maciek; Akiyama, Kazunori; Baloković, Mislav; Blackburn, Lindy; Bouman, Katherine L.; Chael, Andrew; Chan, Chi-kwan; Chatterjee, Koushik; Davelaar, Jordy; Edwards, Philip G.; Fromm, Christian M.; Gómez, José L.; Goddi, Ciriaco; Issaoun, Sara; Johnson, Michael D.; Kim, Junhan; Koay, Jun Yi; Krichbaum, Thomas P.; Liu, Jun; Liuzzo, Elisabetta; Markoff, Sera; Markowitz, Alex; Marrone, Daniel P.; Mizuno, Yosuke; Müller, Cornelia; Ni, Chunchong; Pesce, Dominic W.; Ramakrishnan, Venkatessh; Roelofs, Freek; Rygl, Kazi L. J.; van Bemmel, Ilse; Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration.--This Open Access article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder.
