

A synchrotron radiation X-ray scattering study of aqueous solutions of native DNA

Giampaolo BaroneZehra SayersDmitri I. SvergunMichel H. J. Koch


Quantitative Biology::BiomoleculesNuclear and High Energy PhysicsRadiationShort-range orderChemistryScatteringSmall-angle X-ray scatteringAnalytical chemistrySynchrotron radiationDNAAtmospheric temperature rangeX-ray solution scatteringMolecular physicsThermal denaturationCondensed Matter::Soft Condensed MatterVirial coefficientSettore CHIM/03 - Chimica Generale E InorganicaZimm plotRadius of gyrationStatic light scatteringBiological small-angle scatteringInstrumentation


Synchrotron radiation small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was used to investigate solutions of native DNA at different ionic strengths and temperatures. The mass per unit length, radius of gyration of the cross-section of DNA and apparent second virial coefficient (A2) were obtained from Zimm plots in the rodlike particle approximation. The values of A2 obtained in this way are positive and almost constant indicating that the repulsive interactions still influence the scattering patterns at resolutions as high as 5-8 nm. SAXS measurements in continuous temperature scans indicate that the rod approximation is valid over a wide temperature range during DNA melting and confirm that the rodlike-wormlike transition temperature increases with ionic strength.
