

Modélisation et simulation multi-agents de la dynamique urbaine : application à la mobilité résidentielle

Igor Agbossou


mobilité résidentiellebehavior[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographycellular automataautomate cellulairecomportementresidential mobility[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographycomplexitycomplexité[ SHS.GEO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographyagents


From a conceptual and methodological reflection about an effective association of system based cellular automata and multi-agents models, the simulation model VisualSimores was conceived in order to give even partially, a response concerning the impact of residential mobility in urban areas. According to the goal to develop a support system for urban planning, the major interest of this approach is to focus on the relationship between two separately observable phenomena: the residential mobility of household on one hand and the urban dynamics on the other hand. Then it becomes particularly important to identify the reasoning that helps to establish a correspondence between the demands of different types of household and residential offer of housing and vice versa. Moreover the strategies should be identified according to which household express and accomplish their residential choices. In this perspective, and because of the complex nature of the urban system, the combination of cellular automata based model constrained by the behavior of household modeled in terms of bayesian network in association with multi agents paradigm turned out to be a powerful approach.
