

Tests of Independence Based on Sign and Rank Covariances

Hannu OjaSara TaskinenAnnaliisa Kankainen


Pure mathematicsRobustness (computer science)EconometricsEquivariant mapBivariate analysisAffine transformationCorrelation testMarginal distributionNull hypothesisMathematicsStatistical hypothesis testing


In this paper three different concepts of bivariate sign and rank, namely marginal sign and rank, spatial sign and rank and affine equivariant sign and rank, are considered. The aim is to see whether these different sign and rank covariances can be used to construct tests for the hypothesis of independence. In some cases (spatial sign, affine equivariant sign and rank) an additional assumption on the symmetry of marginal distribution is needed. Limiting distributions of test statistics under the null hypothesis as well as under interesting sequences of contiguous alternatives are derived. Asymptotic relative efficiencies with respect to the regular correlation test are calculated and compared. Finally the theory is illustrated by a simple example.
