Determination of the isotope shift of115m Cd by a Zeeman scanning method
H. RummelP. A. MoskowitzP. A. Moskowitzsubject
Nuclear and High Energy Physicssymbols.namesakeZeeman effectMaterials scienceIsotopeModulationsymbolsNuclear fusionDiamagnetismAtomic physicsGround stateBeam (structure)Effective nuclear chargedescription
We have used an optical pumping-Zeeman scanning technique in order to determine the isotope shift in the 3,261 A resonance line of 43-day, spin-11/2115mCd. A sample of ≈5×1012 atoms was aligned in the1S0 diamagnetic ground state by optically pumping the sample with one selected Zeeman-scanned component of the3P1−3,261 A resonance line from a114Cd lamp. The alignment was detected through the modulation of the pumping beam at the nuclear resonance frequency. Thus by Zeeman scanning theF = 9/2 component of the3P1 level and using previously determinedA- andB-values, we findδ5v(114–115m (9/2))= −4,234(48) MHz and114Cd-115mCd isotope shift = 87(48) MHz. We calculate a staggering parameterγ(115mCd)=0.73(26), and a change in mean-square nuclear charge radiusδ〈r2〉114,115m =0.035(18)fm2.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1975-09-01 | Zeitschrift f�r Physik A: Atoms and Nuclei |