Exploring global responsibility in higher education students’ cross-cultural dialogues
Josephine MoateHanna Posti-ahokasElina Lehtomäkisubject
Higher educationeducationGlobal educationEducation0502 economics and businessPedagogyhigher education studentsCross-culturalta516SociologyglobaalikasvatusmaailmankansalaisuusGlobal educationkansainvälistyminenglobal responsibilitykulttuurienvälisyyscritical global citizenshipinternationalization of higher educationbusiness.industrycross-cultural learning dialogue4. Education05 social sciences050301 educationInternationalization of Higher EducationkoulutusLearner engagementvastuukorkea-asteen koulutus516 Educational sciencesglobal educationCitizenship educationbusiness0503 education050203 business & managementdescription
This study engages with current debate around global education and internationalization of higher education(HE). There is an identified need to critically reflect on how global education commitments are introduced to HE students, and how the debates are brought to individual as well as institutional levels. The study explores how students in a Finnish university develop their understanding of global education, citizenship and potential dispositions towards global responsibility. The students participated in an international seminar on the global Education for All (EFA) process, with purposefully planned participatory activities and cross-cultural dialogues, and reflected on their learning about the global process in assignments. A rigorous qualitative thematic analysis was conducted on the students’ written learning assignments ( n = 43). The analysis revealed that students learned about the global EFA process and targets, and reflected on general and personal significance of the process as well as the connections between the local and global. They placed the responsibility for educational transformation in three distinct levels: the ‘other’; ‘we’; and ‘I’. The findings suggest that purposefully designed learning activities guide students to develop their understanding of global education and to disposition themselves as responsible future education professionals, both prerequisites of global citizenship and transformation of education.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2019-01-01 | European Educational Research Journal |