

Malignant paroxysmal positional vertigo

Francesco DispenzaGautham KulamarvaAlessandro De Stefano


medicine.medical_specialtyBenign paroxysmal positional vertigoNystagmusMeningiomaDiagnosis DifferentialVestibular schwannomaVertigomental disordersotorhinolaryngologic diseasesmedicineMeningeal NeoplasmsHumansBenign Paroxysmal Positional VertigoRetrospective StudiesParoxysmal vertigobiologybusiness.industryBrain NeoplasmsRetrospective cohort studyGeneral MedicineNeuroma AcousticCerebellopontine anglebiology.organism_classificationNeuromamedicine.diseaseBPPVCerebellopontine angleIntracranial tumorsOtorhinolaryngologyMalignant vertigoAnesthesiaVertigoSurgerysense organsRadiologymedicine.symptombusinessMeningiomapsychological phenomena and processes


Objective: An insidious percentage of paroxysmal positional vertigo appears to be intractable with canalith repositioning maneuver and also is not self-limiting. This type of positional vertigo is sustained by the action of intracranial tumors that mimics the clinical aspects of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.Aim of this study is to clarify the features of these forms of positional vertigo, which we indicate as malignant paroxysmal positional vertigo. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of all the patients who presented with vertigo spells and were managed at our tertiary care referral centre over a three years period. Two hundred and eleven patients with diagnosis of positional paroxysmal vertigo were included in the final study. Results: Seven patients were affected by intracranial tumors causing a positional vertigo and were classified as malignant paroxysmal positional vertigo patients after radiological and histological diagnosis. These patients were affected by an internal auditory canal mass alone or with extension in the cerebello pontine angle that mimicked a benign positional vertigo. Conclusion: We can conclude that the clinician should keep in mind the differentiation between benign positional vertigo and malignant positional vertigo. When the patients with positional vertigo presents a strange behaviour of symptoms, nystagmus or response to the canalith repositioning maneuver a radiological investigation must be undertaken in every doubtful case. © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
