

Biological minimization of excess sludge in a membrane bioreactor: Effect of plant configuration on sludge production, nutrient removal efficiency and membrane fouling tendency.

Michele TorregrossaSanto Fabio CorsinoGaspare VivianiDaniele Di TrapaniTaissa Silva De Oliveira


Membrane foulingEnvironmental EngineeringNitrogen0208 environmental biotechnologyPopulationBioreactorBioengineering02 engineering and technology010501 environmental sciencesMembrane bioreactor01 natural sciencesNitrogen removalExcess sludge reductionWaste Disposal FluidNutrientBiomaBioreactorsBiomasseducationWaste Management and Disposal0105 earth and related environmental sciencesUncoupling metabolismeducation.field_of_studySettore ICAR/03 - Ingegneria Sanitaria-AmbientaleSewageChemistryRenewable Energy Sustainability and the EnvironmentMembrane foulingGeneral MedicineNitrogen removalPulp and paper industryAnoxic waters020801 environmental engineeringActivated sludgeDenitrificationMembrane bioreactorAnaerobic exercise


Abstract Excess sludge minimization was studied in a MBR with pre-denitrification scheme. Sludge minimization, nitrogen removal performance and membrane fouling tendency were investigated in two configurations, characterized by a different position of the sludge retention reactor (SRR). In particular, the SRR was placed: i) in the return activated sludge line (Anaerobic Side-Stream Reactor – ASSR configuration) and ii) in the mainstream between the anoxic and aerobic reactor (Anaerobic Main-Stream Reactor – AMSR configuration). The achieved results demonstrated that the ASSR enabled a higher excess sludge reduction (74% vs 32%), while achieving lower biological nitrogen removal (BNR) (TN = 63% vs 78%) and membrane fouling tendency (FR = 2.1 · 1012 m−1 d−1 vs 4.0 · 1011 m−1 d−1) than the AMSR. It was found that metabolism uncoupling, destruction of EPS and endogenous decay simultaneously occurred in the ASSR. Conversely, selective enrichment of bacteria population with low biomass yield was found the main mechanism affecting sludge minimization in the AMSR.
