

Sub-cultures effect on Information security culture in an organization

Erlend Skaar



This study investigates the influence of subcultures on information security culture with-in organizations. The research focuses on the cultural and policy dimensions of infor-mation systems security and aims to explore how subcultures within an organization affect information security culture. The study employes a qualitative case study ap-proach, conducting interviews with employees from different departments of a Norwe-gian IT consultant company. The findings reveal variations in information security ownership, knowledge and awareness, and work goals and challenges among departments. The study emphasizes the need for tailored information security measures that consider the unique characteris-tics of each department. Collaboration and knowledge sharing between departments are identified as crucial for improving information security understanding and alignment with work goals. Flexibility and adaptability in information security policies and rou-tines are recommended to strike a balance between security and operational efficiency. The study contributes to the understanding of information security culture and provides practical insights for organizations to enhance their practices and policies. Further re-search is suggested to explore subcultures related to information security, examine alignment between work goals and information security across departments, and inves-tigate the long-term impact of security measures on organizational outcomes. Despite limitations such as sample size and participant selection, this study provides empirical insights into the relationship between subcultures, information security culture, and or-ganizational dynamics.
