

Il territorio dell'acqua: Saragozza dopo l'Expo 2008

Renzo Antonio Lecardane


Evento architettura città expo Spagna SarazozzaSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbana


Several European cities have based their development and their international promotion on culture as an instrument for urban renewal. In Spain the experience of Zaragoza is polymorphic and projects itself into the future thanks to the different proposals, which it aims to realise, as well as to the scale of the projects in the territory. After the Expo 2008, Zaragoza distinguished itself by its dynamic activity in the recent candidatures aimed to organise new international events. Indeed the city through the events aspires to reinforce its role as a event city at national and international level. It undertakes to complete the diverse projects included in the Strategic Plan, which supported the Expo, and to design its new metropolitan vision before 2020. Despite the current economic crisis, the Expo experience demonstrates the effectiveness of the cultural actions as important accelerator of future projects.
