

Liquid Biopsy in Prostate Cancer

B. Di StefanoMarta CastigliaAntonio GalvanoChristian RolfoK. Papadimitriou


OncologyPCA3medicine.medical_specialtyChemotherapybusiness.industrymedicine.medical_treatmentDiseaseCastration resistantmedicine.diseaseProstate cancerInternal medicinemedicineNeoplastic progressionLiquid biopsyStage (cooking)business


Chemotherapy is no longer the only therapeutic option for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer. The understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms and its dynamic changes has divided neoplastic progression into different moments. Indeed prostate cancer changes over time from a state where cell proliferation is hormone-dependent to a stage where cell growth is hormone-independent (castration resistant disease, mCRPC). This knowledge has allowed the development of new generation hormonal agents that, along with the advent of new chemotherapeutic agents, have changed the long-term prognosis of this disease. As a result, the progression of prostate disease is dynamic over time and its close monitoring may allow, for example, to choose the right time to start or stop a treatment, avoiding unnecessary toxicity and a waste of resources. Therefore liquid biopsy, through its minimal invasiveness, is set to become an indispensable tool for the prostate cancer management.
