

Feedback Linearization Based Nonlinear Control of SynRM Drives Accounting for Self- and Cross-Saturation

Angelo AccettaMaurizio CirrincioneMarcello PucciAntonino Sferlazza


synchronous reluctance motors (SynRM)Settore ING-INF/04 - AutomaticaControl and Systems Engineeringmagnetic saturationElectrical and Electronic EngineeringFeedback linearization (FL)Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


This article proposes a nonlinear controller based on feedback linearization (FL) for synchronous reluctance motor (SynRM) drives which takes into consideration the magnetic saturation. The proposed nonlinear FL control based control technique has been developed starting from the theoretical definition of an original dynamic model of the SynRM taking into consideration both the self- and the cross-saturation effects. Such a control technique permits the dynamics of both the speed and axis flux loops to be maintained constant independently from the load and the saturation of the iron core in both constant flux and variable direct axis flux operating conditions. Finally, sensitivity of the performance of the proposed FL control versus the variation of the main motor parameters has been verified. The proposed technique has been tested experimentally on a suitably developed test setup. The proposed FL control has been further compared with the classic field-oriented control (FOC) in both constant flux and variable flux working conditions.
