

Adoption and Adoption Interests of Self-Tracking Technologies : Single and Multiple Technology Perspectives

Makkonen MarkusKari TuomasLauri FrankPanu Moilanen


single technology perspectiveadoptioself-tracking technolgiesadoption interestsmultiple technology perspective


During the past few decades, different forms of technology based self-tracking have become increasingly common but received little attention in academic research. In this study, we aim to address this gap by examining the adoption and adoption interests of four different self-tracking technologies: exercise, activity, sleep, and nutrition tracking. The examination is conducted from both single and multiple technology perspectives and by concentrating particularly on the potential gender and age dependencies in the adoption rates and adoption patterns of the technologies. By analysing the responses collected from 824 consumers through an online survey, the results of the study are able to reveal that although the adoption rates of all the four self-tracking technologies still remain relatively low, there is considerable interest towards the adoption of all of them. In addition, based on the differences in their adoption patterns, four distinct consumer segments can be identified. peerReviewed
