

Bidirectional Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdowns on Health Behaviors and Quality of Life among Chinese Adults

Xiuqiang WangYanxiang YangSulin ChengSulin ChengZan GaoSi Man LeiSi Man LeiBoyi ZhangWu YaoShenglong LeShenglong Le


MaleHealth Toxicology and MutagenesisHealth Behaviorlcsh:Medicinephysical activityelämänlaaturuokavaliotpandemiat0302 clinical medicineQuality of lifeSurveys and Questionnairessedentary behaviorPandemicMedicine030212 general & internal medicineYoung adultSedentary behaviorQuarantineFemaleCoronavirus Infectionsfyysinen aktiivisuusAdulthyvinvointi (terveydellinen)AdolescentCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)Pneumonia ViralPhysical activityArticleuni (lepotila)BetacoronavirusYoung Adult03 medical and health sciencesAsian PeopleEnvironmental healthHumanssleepExercisePandemicseristys (eristäminen muista)Sleep qualitySARS-CoV-2business.industrypandemiclcsh:RPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthChinese adultsCOVID-19CoronavirusterveyskäyttäytyminenQuality of Lifebusinessdiet030217 neurology & neurosurgery


Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has created challenges that have caused profound changes in health behaviors. This study aimed to explore how COVID-19 is affecting the health-related quality of life (QoL) among Chinese adults. Methods: The data of health-related behaviors and QoL were collected via online surveys from 2289 adults (mean age = 27.8 &plusmn
