

Towards a Reconstruction of Indo-European Culture: Semantic Functions of IE *men-

Anna Maria Bartolotta


Indo-European culturepolysemyVedic Sanskrit.Homeric GreekSettore L-LIN/01 - Glottologia E Linguistica


The aim of this paper is to recover the semantic values involved in IE *men- in order to reconstruct some cognitive process modalities in regard to "Indo-European ideology" (Campanile 1992). After focusing on the apparent semantic split noticeable between Homeric Greek and Vedic in the uses derived from *men-, I argue for the presence of striking parallel paths using the methods of textual comparison. Then, the role of lexical nucleus' polysemy in originating the linguistic change is highlighted, without disregarding an Indo-European typological perspective within the realm of the so-called "basic lexicon" to which the root at issue belongs.
