

Une expérience de formation des enseignants à distance : le cas du projet Logos au Brésil

François OrivelJoao Batista Oliveira


Formation à distance[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationFormation des enseignantsAmérique latinePays en développementBrésil


This objective of the project is to give a full secondary education to rural Brazilian teachers who have an excessively low initial level of education. It is based on a modular approach with teaching material learned at home by trainees. Trainees have access to a tutor every week. They receive from their tutor require advices and module is mastered, a test is given to the training in order to move to the next module. This evaluation deals both with the cost and the effectiveness of the project and compares both dimensions with alternative modes of training.
