Protection by Almagate of Ethanol-induced Gastric Mucosal Damage in Rats
L. MorenoJ EspluguesSara CalatayudJuan V. EspluguesM. A. Martínez-cuestaA FernandezM D BarrachinaJ Puigsubject
MalePathologymedicine.medical_specialtyMagnesium HydroxideSucralfateIndomethacinCarbonatesAdministration OralPharmaceutical ScienceAluminum HydroxidePharmacologychemistry.chemical_compoundOral administrationGastric mucosamedicineAnimalsStomach UlcerRats WistarPharmacologyDiminutionAlmagateDose-Response Relationship DrugEthanolbusiness.industryStomachRatsDisease Models AnimalSucralfateDose–response relationshipmedicine.anatomical_structurechemistryGastric MucosaToxicityFemaleAntacidsbusinessmedicine.drugdescription
Abstract The study was designed to analyse the protective effects of almagate on a model of gastric injury, ethanol-induced mucosal damage, in which acid plays little, if any, role. Pretreatment with almagate dose-dependently reduced the level of gastric damage induced by oral administration of 1mL 100% ethanol. Administration of 12 μmol kg−1 almagate 30 min before ethanol significantly reduced the area of mucosal damage by 65 ± 10%, and the maximum level of inhibition (74 ± 11%) was obtained with 150 μmol kg−1 almagate. Administration of higher doses of almagate (200–250 μmol kg−1) did not result in any further increase in the level of protection against ethanol-induced gastric damage. Administration of 1 mL 100% ethanol induces substantial damage to the gastric mucosa, with nearly 40% of the length of the section evaluated exhibiting deep necrotic and haemorrhagic damage. Pretreatment with almagate caused a significant diminution in all parameters of histological damage, whereas damage to the epithelial cell layer was only significantly reduced by pretreatment with the highest doses evaluated (25, 50 and 150 μmol kg−1). Administration of aluminium hydroxide did not modify ethanol-induced mucosal damage, even at doses containing concentrations of aluminium higher than those present in gastroprotective doses of almagate. Pretreatment with sucralfate, another aluminium containing compound, at doses of 250 μmiol kg−1 protected the mucosa, although lower doses did not. The present study has shown that almagate prevents ethanol-induced gastric mucosal damage. This protective effect seems independent of any antacid activity, related to its content in magnesium, and mediated by an increase in gastroprotective prostaglandins in the mucosa of the stomach.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1995-02-01 | Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology |