

Market-oriented analysis for active distribution systems

Gaetano ZizzoEleonora Riva SanseverinoFrancesco Paolo Merendino


Engineeringbusiness.industryProfit (economics)Renewable energyDistribution systemMarket analysisDistributed generationMarket orientedEnergy marketMarketingFree marketbusinessactive distribution systems market-oriented analysisIndustrial organization


Distribution networks are today the place where demand and offer are physically located and meet. Offer comes from Generation companies, through distributed generation, while demand is usually represented by simple users. Distribution company both buy and sell energy so they implement both sides. The EU promotes the free market and the renewable energy sources (RES) supported by the distributed generation technology. The technical-economical scenario in which distributed generation is thus growing is complex and comprises a large number of stakeholders. The authors, on the basis of previous studies want to analyse the problem of identifying sets of stakeholders sharing the common interest of increasing their profit in the free energy market. These analytically determined sets can be the basis for the birth of consortia among stakeholders. The paper is organised as follows. First an introductory part on the market analysis in distribution systems in presence of distributed generation is presented. Then the mathematical formulation of the different profit functions for all the stakeholders is proposed and the algorithm for the identification of the consortia is described. Finally in the application section the algorithm is run on a system of 15 nodes taken from the literature.
