Vastuullinen johtajuus esimies-alaissuhteessa
Anna-maija LämsäAnne KeränenTerttu Savelasubject
leadershipsisällönanalyysiresponsible leadershipalaisetvastuullisuusesimies-alaissuhdequalitative analysisorganizationetiikkacritical incidentjohtajuusjohtajatdescription
Responsible leadership in the leader-follower relationship The article advances our knowledge and understanding of responsible leadership in the organizational context. Responsible leadership is investigated from an ethical viewpoint as a dyadic relationship between a leader and a follower. The study defines the principles of responsible leadership as well as situations in which the application of the principles is appropriate. Additionally, the study explores the ob- ligation to act according to the principles and the way in which it is formed in the relationship. An empirical qualitative study including 22 individuals was conducted. The participants viewed the topic from both the leader’s and the employee’s viewpoint. The data were collected using the critical incident technique and analysed through content analysis. The principles driving the development and maintenance of responsible leadership are fairness, empowerment, openness, trust, and care. The study shows that responsible leadership in the leader-follower relationship is dynamic. Expectations concerning responsibility in the relationship vary according to the situation that may be related not only to work but also to a non-work context. Keywords: responsible leadership, ethics, leadership, organization, critical incident, content analysis, qualitative research peerReviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2015-01-01 |