

Law of the Land: Shades of Nordic Noir in an Arctic Western

Kaisa Hiltunen


Lappiarktinen alueHistorygenretLaw of the landLapland filmVitalitylännenelokuvatelokuvatStyle (sociolinguistics)ArcticHybridityArcticNordic noirelokuvatutkimusEthnologygenretutkimusrikoselokuvatWesterngenre hybridDrama


Armoton maa (Law of the Land, Jussi Hiltunen, 2017) is a contemporary western set on a peripheral border region in western Lapland, Finland. Combining crime story and family drama, it is a complex case of genre hybridity. This chapter asks how Law of the Land adapts elements from Nordic noir and modifies the Lapland film, a mixture of films set in Lapland. The melancholy mood and the dark aesthetic links the film to Nordic noir, which has traveled to remote regions recently. However, Lapland can also be seen as a Finnish version of the Wild West. Law of the Land exemplifies both the mutation and vitality of Nordic noir as a style, demonstrating that it can be adapted by other genres, even by an arctic western.
