

Spectroscopic analysis of hot-water- and dilute-acid-extracted hardwood and softwood chips

Raimo AlénMarko HuttunenJoni LehtoJarmo Louhelainen


0106 biological scienceshydrolyysiHot TemperatureSoftwoodkemiadilute acidinfrapunatekniikka02 engineering and technologyesikäsittelychemistrycomplex mixtures01 natural sciencesATR spectroscopyAnalytical Chemistrychemistry.chemical_compoundHydrolysismassanvalmistus010608 biotechnologySpectroscopy Fourier Transform InfraredHardwoodLigninOrganic chemistrySample preparationBiomassCelluloseCelluloseautohydrolysisInstrumentationChemical compositionta116SpectroscopyHydrolysistechnology industry and agricultureSulfuric acidSulfuric Acidspretreatment021001 nanoscience & nanotechnologyinfrared technologyAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsRefuse Disposalchemistryliuotus0210 nano-technologyAcidspuu (luonnonmateriaalit)Nuclear chemistrywood


Hot-water and dilute sulfuric acid pretreatments were performed prior to chemical pulping for silver/white birch (Betula pendula/B. pubescens) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) chips to determine if varying pretreatment conditions on the original wood material were detectable via attenuated total reflectance (ATR) infrared spectroscopy. Pretreatment conditions varied with respect to temperature (130 °C and 150 °C) and treatment time (from 30 min to 120 min). The effects of the pretreatments on the composition of wood chips were determined by ATR infrared spectroscopy. The spectral data were compared to those determined by common wood chemistry analyses to evaluate the suitability of ATR spectroscopy method for rapid detection of changes in the wood chemical composition caused by different pretreatment conditions. In addition to determining wood species-dependent differences in the wood chemical composition, analytical results indicated that most essential lignin- and carbohydrates-related phenomena taking place during hot-water and acidic pretreatments could be described by applying this simple spectral method requiring only a small sample amount and sample preparation. Such information included, for example, the cleavage of essential lignin bonds (i.e., mainly β-O-4 linkages in guaiacyl and syringyl lignin) and formation of newly condensed lignin structures under different pretreatment conditions. Carbohydrate analyses indicated significant removal of hemicelluloses (especially hardwood xylan) and hemicelluloses-derived acetyl groups during the pretreatments, but they also confirmed the highly resistant nature of cellulose towards mild pretreatments. peerReviewed
