

Per un approccio semiotico alla musealizzazione di un sito archeologico. Il caso Arslantepe

Dario Mangano


Semiotics archaeology arslantepe museumSettore M-FIL/05 - Filosofia E Teoria Dei Linguaggi


A museum, whatever kind it is, is a complex machine machine that operates on a multiplicity of dimensions. A object of total communication one could define it, meaning that that if on the one hand it is built to show something and give show something and give information about what it shows, at the same time it is at the same time it is itself an entity that communicates. Not by chance contemporary museums are often ultra-expensive projects, housed in prestigious buildings designed by important architects and they are managed in every way as machines to produce profit, real places of hyper-consumption. It is perhaps the most strident contrast in the case of the museum: on the one hand, it is a cultural institution. on the one hand, it is a cultural institution dedicated to knowledge, on the other, a business. In both cases it is in competition, that is, it acts against something, be it another cultural institution or cultural institution or - more importantly - a body of widespread knowledge, with respect to which it produces some innovation.
