

A meta-analysis of Hodgkin lymphoma reveals 19p13.3 TCF3 as a novel susceptibility locus

Bengt GlimeliusJames D. MckayRianne VeenstraBharat N. NathwaniBrian K. LinkL. C. StrongWendy CozenAlice GallagherDavid V. ContiManon Delahaye-sourdeixLars J. VattenSusan L. SlagerTimothy BestAnnette LakePilar GalanGerhard A. CoetzeeG. M. TaylorStephen M. AnsellMark LathropLauren M. WeissDalin LiSmita BhatiaChristopher K. EdlundKenan OnelS De SanjoséJames R. CerhanLude FrankeKlaus RostgaardKevin Y. UrayamaD. J. Van Den BergTracy LightfootL. L. RobisonPierluigi CoccoRuth F. JarrettSally L. GlaserY BenaventeAnthony StainesHenrik HjalgrimMads MelbyeHarm-jan WestraHans-olov AdamiHans-olov AdamiVan Den Anke BergA NietersValerie GaborieauYongzhuang LiuKristin A. RandLambertus A. KiemeneyN BeckerMaria TimofeevaMaria TimofeevaAmie E. HwangThomas M. MackThomas M. HabermannArjan DiepstraLenka ForetováPaul BrennanAndrew D. SkolLydia VisserDorothy MontgomeryEric J. DuellEve RomanMarc MaynadiéDennis J. HazelettKarin E. SmedbyVictoria K. CortessisGraham ByrnesPaolo BoffettaHerve Ghesquieres


AdultMaleAdolescent[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio]TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR E2AGENETIC-ASSOCIATIONGeneral Physics and AstronomyLocus (genetics)Genome-wide association studyHuman leukocyte antigenBiologyGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular BiologyArticleDISEASEYoung AdultBasic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription FactorsHumansTOOLGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseAlleleGENOME-WIDE ASSOCIATIONEPSTEIN-BARR-VIRUSGenetic associationAgedGeneticsAged 80 and overRISKMultidisciplinaryCELL-TYPECase-control studyGenetic VariationGeneral ChemistryOdds ratioGenomicsMiddle AgedALLELESHodgkin DiseaseCANCERMalaltia de HodgkinHodgkin lymphoma (HL)GenòmicaGenetic epidemiologyCase-Control StudiesUrological cancers Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 15]Hodgkin's diseaseChromosomes Human Pair 19Genome-Wide Association Study


Contains fulltext : 137763.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access) Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) have identified associations with genetic variation at both HLA and non-HLA loci; however, much of heritable HL susceptibility remains unexplained. Here we perform a meta-analysis of three HL GWAS totaling 1,816 cases and 7,877 controls followed by replication in an independent set of 1,281 cases and 3,218 controls to find novel risk loci. We identify a novel variant at 19p13.3 associated with HL (rs1860661; odds ratio (OR)=0.81, 95% confidence interval (95% CI)=0.76-0.86, Pcombined=3.5 x 10(-10)), located in intron 2 of TCF3 (also known as E2A), a regulator of B- and T-cell lineage commitment known to be involved in HL pathogenesis. This meta-analysis also notes associations between previously published loci at 2p16, 5q31, 6p31, 8q24 and 10p14 and HL subtypes. We conclude that our data suggest a link between the 19p13.3 locus, including TCF3, and HL risk.
