The Effects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Intervention on Inflammation and Stress Biomarkers : a Randomized Controlled Trial
Jaana LaitinenMikko KolehmainenMiikka ErmesMiikka ErmesLeila KarhunenEssi SairanenEssi SairanenUrho M. KujalaSampsa PuttonenRaimo LappalainenJussi PihlajamäkiElina Järvelä-reijonenMarjukka KolehmainenRiitta Korpelasubject
MindfulnessPsychological interventionbiomarkkeritOverweightAcceptance and commitment therapylaw.inventionjoustavuus0302 clinical medicineMARKERSRandomized controlled triallawWeight lossPsychology030212 general & internal medicinePsychological flexibilityApplied Psychologytietoinen läsnäolotulehdusEATING BEHAVIORylipainoPUBLIC-HEALTH PRACTICEpsykofysiologia3. Good healthHealth psychologyMINDFULNESS-BASED INTERVENTIONCARDIOVASCULAR-DISEASE/dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/good_health_and_well_beingmedicine.symptomMindfulnessAdultmedicine.medical_specialty515 Psychologyhyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaPERCEIVED STRESSWEIGHT-LOSSLow-grade inflammationStressFull Length Manuscript03 medical and health sciencesSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingInternal medicineNORDIC DIETPost-hoc analysismedicineHumansObesityAcceptance and Commitment TherapyInflammationPsykologibusiness.industryCORTISOLstressiOverweightACTPHYSICAL-ACTIVITY3111 BiomedicinebusinessBiomarkers030217 neurology & neurosurgeryfysiologiset vaikutuksetdescription
Abstract Background Psychological processes can be manifested in physiological health. We investigated whether acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), targeted on psychological flexibility (PF), influences inflammation and stress biomarkers among working-age adults with psychological distress and overweight/obesity. Method Participants were randomized into three parallel groups: (1) ACT-based face-to-face (n = 65; six group sessions led by a psychologist), (2) ACT-based mobile (n = 73; one group session and mobile app), and (3) control (n = 66; only the measurements). Systemic inflammation and stress markers were analyzed at baseline, at 10 weeks after the baseline (post-intervention), and at 36 weeks after the baseline (follow-up). General PF and weight-related PF were measured with questionnaires (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Weight-Related Difficulties). Results A group × time interaction (p = .012) was detected in the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) level but not in other inflammation and stress biomarkers. hsCRP decreased significantly in the face-to-face group from week 0 to week 36, and at week 36, hsCRP was lower among the participants in the face-to-face group than in the mobile group (p = .035, post hoc test). Age and sex were stronger predictors of biomarker levels at follow-up than the post-intervention PF. Conclusion The results suggest that ACT delivered in group sessions may exert beneficial effects on low-grade systemic inflammation. More research is needed on how to best apply psychological interventions for the health of both mind and body among people with overweight/obesity and psychological distress. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01738256, Registered 17 August, 2012
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2020-05-11 |