

Participant-induced elicitation in digital environments

Riitta Hänninen


etnografiaosallistujattutkimusmenetelmättoimijuusBusinessosallistava tutkimusvalokuvaus


This chapter discusses participant-induced elicitation interview (PIE) in the light of two fieldwork cases focusing on Finnish lifestyle blogging and older adults as ICT users. By definition, elicitation refers to a process where something, such as a response, meaning, or answer, is evoked in or drawn out from an interviewee. PIE is based on photo-elicitation, where the interviewee is asked to take photographs dealing with the topics of the research. The central idea of PIE as participant-induced elicitation is based on the active agency of the person collaborating with the researcher. Under the premises of the research, the interviewee creates something subjective and personal that can be further examined and developed together with the researcher. PIE can serve as an icebreaker in situations where getting into the field has proved difficult through focusing on the personal life of the interviewee. It also serves a very specific sensitizing function in interviews. peerReviewed
