

The important impact of dental care on haemostatic treatment burden in patients with mild haemophilia

Simona RasoMariasanta NapolitanoDavide SirocchiSergio SiragusaCedric Hermans


AdultMaleAged 80 and overFactor VIIIAdolescentHemorrhageHematologyGeneral MedicineMiddle AgedHemophilia Amild haemophilia dental care FVIII FIX haemophilia treatmentHemostaticsAntifibrinolytic AgentsBlood Coagulation FactorsYoung AdultHumansDental CareGenetics (clinical)Aged


Background: Mild haemophilia (MH) is mainly characterized by haemorrhages secondary to surgery/invasive procedures or trauma. Haemostatic treatment in MH ranges from on demand to short prophylaxis according to the type of bleeding events and the basal clotting factor level. Oral surgery and dental extractions can represent a frequent haemostatic challenge in MH requiring appropriate treatment. However, only few studies on limited numbers of patients are available in the literature regarding the implications of dental management in patients with MH. Objectives: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact of dental care on the burden of haemostatic treatment in patients affected by MH. Methods: We conducted a retrospective multicentre study evaluating adult patients with MH regularly examined at the Haemophilia Treatment Centres (HTCs) of the Saint-Luc University Hospital, Brussels (Belgium) and of Paolo Giaccone Hospital, Palermo (Italy). The population consisted of 107 male patients with MH, with a mean age of 39 years (range 18–81 years). Results: The majority of patients (86/107, 79%) needed at least one treatment within the study period, and 44% (38/86) of them received haemostatic therapy for dental care. Haemostatic therapy in our study varied from antifibrinolytic therapy alone and perioperative factor replacement to the absence of treatment at all. The great majority of oral interventions (27/42, 64%) were managed with clotting factor concentrate. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that dental care currently represents a major reason for haemostatic treatments in patients with MH. Maintaining good oral health appears as a priority to minimize avoidable replacement therapy and optimize resources.
