

The Fruit of the Tree of Life : an evaluative study of the 'Tree of Life', a psychosocial support tool with Narrative Practice ideas, offered to unaccompanied child refugees

Helen Kolb



Masteroppgave i psykisk helsearbeid ME-504 2012 – Universitetet i Agder, Grimstad Background: Norway accepts many unaccompanied child refugees each year. This group makes up one of the most vulnerable groups in terms of mental health. The Tree of Life is a psychosocial tool based on narrative practices that uses the different parts of the tree to represent the different aspects of our lives. According to a literature review, there are no published studies evaluating treatment given to this group. Aim and research question: This study uses both a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach and a deconstructive approach. The intention is to focus on the experiences of the unaccompanied child refugees during The Tree of Life. Dominant discourse are also identified which is important when working cross-culturally. Finally a number of important findings about translation are discussed, further sensitising us to cross-cultural treatment. Method: Multiple methods have been employed: Qualitative interview of seven informants, two Tree of Life workshops have been attended and observed and a focus group has been held with some of the facilitators of the Tree of Life. Result: The Tree of Life is a tool that helps unaccompanied child refugees to create alternative life-stories. It gives them a future perspective which helps to give their lives meaning. Working in groups with these individuals helps them to build much needed networks, helping them feel connected and a sense of belonging. Working with translators is a complicated process; it is important for mental health care workers to be aware of the pitfalls, and understand how they can better prepare themselves and the translators before they embark on an intervention together. Conclusion: The results confirm that the use of The Tree of Life has a positive effect on the mental health of unaccompanied child refugees. It further helps us understand what aspects are important to these individuals as they re-establish their existence in their host country. The study highlights some important aspects with cross-cultural treatment, while at the same time removing some of the “unattainable-ness” that is sometimes encountered in cases involving different cultures. Keywords: Tree of Life psychosocial tool, narrative therapy, hermeneutical-phenomenological, Antonovsky, Foucault, discourse analysis, translation
