

Retour en formation et parcours d'études atypiques : déterminants et valorisation sur le marché du travail

Inès Albandea


Atypical academic careerWage effectValorisation salarialeFormation tout au long de la viePerception des recruteursRecruiters perceptionLife long learning[SHS.ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and FinanceDéterminantsParcours d'études atypiqueFactors


Life long learning appears as a major concern for our societies. After leaving the educational system, learning can imply returning to school or continuing education. Academic careers in France seem less and less linear. Young peopleare encouraged to make the most of college breaks in order to diversify their experiences. During their career, they are to be trained to « be free to choose their professional future », as mentions a new law. This thesis, then, aims atidentifying the reasons why people go back to training and at stuying how such returns are seen by the labor market.This work includes a preliminary chapter and three other chapters, each with specific data. Based on a literature review, the preliminary chapter investigates the reasons why people go back to school or choose training. We analyze the theoretical conditions explaining the way such experiences are seen by the labor market. The data of the first chapter are from the Céreq “Génération 98” survey, which tracks formal education leavers during tenyears. Such a longitudinal survey enables the study of the impact of non-linear pathways on recent graduates salaries, thanks to the instrumental variables method. Recent graduates with post-secondary education interruption receive alower salary than their peers, ceteris paribus – even with high social and academic profile and good relational skills. This seems to confirm the hypothesis of a negative signal to the employers.The results of the first chapter lead us into the second part where we investigate the promotion of atypical academic careers by the labor market. We surveyed recruitment consultants with the factorial survey method in order to understand how they perceive such careers. More than a thousand CVs were evaluated by the consultants according to the probability of them giving a job interview. Our econometric analysis shows that the absence of details about temporary education interruption seem detrimental, ceteris paribus. Facing the lack of information, recruitment consultants would not take the risk of hiring a candidate who has been non-working. Although, this large signal effect does not apply if the candidate mentions a trip abroad or a “service civique” during the academic career.In the third part we try to understand what determines a reinvestment in training – but only for working employees. We use the “Defis” survey lead by the Céreq. The data are from employees and companies questionnaires. Our results show that very few variables seem to impact the chance for an employee to seek training. Likewise, accessing to optional training seems to rely on individual motives and on job characteristics – even though company features do matter. This fact increases the inequality in training accessibility. Using a DID matching method shows that this type of training doesn’t seem to increase salaries.
