

Géneros e impersonalidad en la clase de E/LE

Cristina Villalba Ibáñez


lcsh:Philology. Linguisticslcsh:P1-1091:PEDAGOGÍA [UNESCO]lcsh:LUNESCO::PEDAGOGÍAlcsh:Education


The aim of this paper is to present a didactic sequence centered in the study of impersonality in the class of Spanish as a foreign language. This sequence contains 4 training sessions and one final session of evaluation. In this last session the final task is developed. The final task consists in a brief oral formal presentation (2-3 minutes). During the presentation, the students are supposed to use impersonality devices according to the communicative situation. This didactic sequence has been designed for anglospeakers university students, level B2-C1. The main goals we pretend to achieve are: to introduce the main impersonality devices, to link the use of these devices to the proper register and to recognize the pragmatic values associated. Keywords: Impersonality, Formal register, Spanish as Foreign Language, Pragmatics.
