

Mortalidad y resultados funcionales en las fracturas subcapitales de cadera

J. Rodriguez VelaM.c. Untoria AgustinJ.a. Velilla GodedS. Serrano BarrioAntonio Herrera Rodríguez




261 subcapitaI fractures of the femur treated with closed reduction and fixation with three AO canceIlous screws are coIlected. The patients' average age was 73'7. The preop parameters are: age, sex, previous activity, general conditions c1assificated as: Rehabilitable-No Unhealthy (46'4%), Rehabilitable-Unhealthy (35'25%), No RehabiIitable- No Unhealthy (5'75%) and No Rehabilitable-Unhealthy (12'6%). They were aIl analysed. StatisticaIly related with the postop parameters the c1assification is as foIlows: Mortality rate, general postop complications, hospitalization and return to walking activity. The most usual general postop complications were secondary to previous pathology and bedridding periodo The postop mortality rate was statistically related with the previous activity (P< 0'05) and heart and neurological conditions (P...(. 0'00l). The loss of recovery was related to the degree of previous activity, the previous neurological disease and the proper complications of the fracture non union and necrosis. The prognostic factor «Lucídity-Actlvity Index» allows to identify those patients with high risk of complications, postoperating mortality, as well as indications of rehabilitatíons programs suitable in duration and intensity.
