

Høytidsmarkering i religiøst mangfoldige barnehager

Kari KrogstadKari-mette Walmann Hidle


lcsh:LC8-6691recognition of religious festivalslcsh:Special aspects of educationdidacticsLife worldBarnPsychologyHumanitiesIslamparental cooperation


Based on the religions represented in the children's group, Norwegian kindergartens are required to have activities related to religious festivals. The requirement is aiming both on mutual interest, respect and tolerance between the children and on the recognition of the life world of the children affiliated with the religion in point. The study demonstrates that recognition of the Muslim festival Id al-fitr takes place in a very limited part of the kindergartens, and that the cooperation with parents is qualitatively different between majority and minority religions. We have also found that the kindergartens that recognized religious festivals aims their activities to affirm the Muslim children, rather than aiming at the children as a group.  Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i hvordan et utvalg barnehager arbeider med prosessmålet om at barn skal utvikle interesse, toleranse og respekt for hverandre i barnehagen, samt bruk av høytidsmarkering og foreldresamarbeid i den forbindelse. Basert på en empirisk undersøkelse finner vi at barnehager som har barn med minoritetsreligiøs tilknytning i liten grad driver høytidsmarkering slik rammeplanen krever. I den grad den muslimske høytiden id al-fitr markeres, sikter personalet mot identitetsbekreftelse for muslimske barn. Aktivitetene tar i liten grad sikte på å utvikle interesse, toleranser og respekt i barnegruppa som helhet.
