


Nunzia Cinzia PaladinoG ScerrinoGiuseppe SalamoneGaspare GulottaGiuditta MorfinoValentina Di PaolaRoberta Vetri


MYXOID LIPOSARCOMASettore MED/18 - Chirurgia Generale


INTRODUCTION: myxoid liposarcoma approximately constitutes 20% of all mesenchymal malignancies preferably occurring in adults with prevalent localization in arts even if there are rare intra-abdominal locations: only 3 cases reported in the literature. We present a case of myxoid liposarcoma with colic localization outlining a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure through a literature’s review. CASE REPORT: We observed a 37 year-old man in January 2007 because of colic pain in the middle abdomen, dyspepsia and constipation. The CT with contrast agent showed a capsulated solid mass with net margins, lobules and adipose tissue component compressing and displacing small bowel. After incision we found a polypoid mass of 24 cm with extraluminal development arising from right colon. Total mass, terminal ileum and right colon were excised; an ileo-colic anastomosis was performed. According to the literature it was not practised any adjuvant treatment. After one year the patient presented a local peritoneal recurrences surgically excised. CONCLUSIONS: the diagnostic process is not yet well defined. Only surgery and histologic examination are able to clarify lesion’s nature. Also surgical treatment is not yet well established, although many authors suggest a total excision of lesion without reference to lymphadenectomy. As for the role of chemotherapy only one case was reported in the literature; myxoid liposarcoma is considered an histotype with intermediate degree of malignancy therefore it should be considered a potential malignant neoplasm and chemotherapy would be justified. Total surgical resection with or without adjuvant radio-chemiotherapy could have a strong impact on the prognosis and follow-up.
