Higher Fluid Balance Increases the Risk of Death From Sepsis: Results From a Large International Audit
Sakr Y.Rubatto Birri P. N.Kotfis K.Nanchal R.Shah B.Kluge S.Schroeder M. E.Marshall J. C.Vincent J. -LE TomasE Amisi BibongeB CharraM FaroudyL DoedensZ FarinaD AdlerC BalkemaA KokS AlayaH GharsallahD MuzhaA TemelkovG GeorgievG SimeonovG TsaryanskiS GeorgievA SelimanS VrankovicZ VucicevicI GornikB BarsicI HusedzinovicP PavlikJ ManakE KieslichovaR TurekM FischerR ValkovaL DadakP DostalJ MalaskaR HajekA ŽIdkováP LavickaJ StarkopfZ KheladzeM ChkhaidzeV KaloianiL MedveA SarkanyI KremerZ MarjanekP TamasiI KrupnovaI VanagsV LigutsV PilvinisS VosyliusG KekstasM BalciunasJ KolbuszA KüblerB MielczarekM Mikaszewska-sokolewiczK KotfisB TamowiczW SulkowskiP SmuszkiewiczA PihowiczE TrejnowskaN HagauD FilipescuG DrocM LupuA NicaR StoicaD TomescuD ConstantinescuG Valcoreanu ZbaganuA SlavcoviciV BaginD BelskyS PalyutinS ShlyapnikovD BikkulovaA GritsanG NataliaE MakarenkoV KokhnoA TolkachE KokarevB BelotserkovskiyK ZolotukhinV KulabukhovL SoskicI PalibrkR JankovicB JovanovicM PandurovicV BumbasirevicB UljarevicM SurbatovicN LadjevicG SlobodianiukV SobonaA CikovaA GebhardtovaC JunS YunboJ DongS FengM DuanY XuX XueT GaoX XingX ZhaoC LiG GengxihuaH TanJ XuL JiangQ TieheQ BingyuQ ShiZ LvL ZhangL JingtaoZ ZhenZ WangT WangL YuhongQ ZhaiY ChenC WangW JiangW RuilanY ChenvH XiaoboH GeT YanC YuhuiJ ZhangF Jian-hongH ZhuF HuoY WangC LiM ZhuangZ MaJ SunL LiuqingyueM YangJ MengS MaY KangL YuQ PengY WeiW ZhangR SunA YeungW WanK SinK LeeM WijantiU WidodoH SamsirunT SugimanC WisudartiT MaskoenN HataY KobeO NishidaD MiyazakiS NunomiyaS UchinoN KitamuraK YamashitaS HashimotoH FukushimaN Nik AdibL TaiB TonyR BigorniaR BigorniaR BigorniaJ PaloS ChatterjeeB TanA KongS GohC LeeC PothiratB KhwannimitP TheerawitP PornsuriyasakA PiriyapatsomA MukhtarA Nabil HamdyH HosnyA AshrafM MokhtariS NowruziniaA LotfiF ZandR NikandishO Moradi MoghaddamJ CohenO SoldT SfeirA HasanD AbugaberH AhmadT TantawyS BaharoomH AlgethamyA AmrG AlmekhlafiR CoskunM SungurA CosarB GüçyetmezO DemirkiranE SenturkH UlusoyH AtalanS SerinI KatiZ AlnassrawiA AlmemariK KrishnareddyS KashefA AlsabbahG PoirierJ MarshallM 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MorochoJ VergaraM Chung SangC Orellana-jimenezL GarridoO DiazD ResiereC OsorioA De La VegaR CarrilloV SanchezA VillagomezR Martinez ZubietaM SandiaM ZalatielM PoblanoD Rodriguez GonzalezF ArrazolaL Juan FranciscoS A ÑAmendys-silvaM HernandezD Rodriguez CadenaI Lopez IslasC Ballesteros ZarzavillaA MatosI OyangurenJ CernaR Quispe SierraR JimenezL CastilloR OcalA SencanS Mareque GianoniA DeicasJ HurtadoG BurghiA MartinelliI Von Der OstenC Du MaineM BhattacharyyaS BandyopadhyayS YanamalaP GopalS SahuM IbrahimD RathodN MukundanA DewanP AminS SamavedamB ShahD GurupalB LahkarA MandalM SircarS GhoshV BalasubramaniF KapadiaS VadiK NairS TripathyS NandakumarJ SharmaA KarS JhaK Zirpe-guravM PatelA BhavsarD SamaddarA KulkarniM HashmiW AliS NadeemK IndraratnaA MargaritP UrbanekJ SchlieberJ ReisingerJ AuerA HartjesA LercheT JanousE KinkW KrahulecK SmolleM Van Der SchuerenP ThiboM VanhoofI AhmetG PhilippeP DufayeO JacobsV FraipontP BistonA DiveY BouckaertE GilbertB GressensE PinckV CollinJ L VincentJ De WaeleR RimachiD GusuK De DeckerK MandiangaL HeytensX WitteboleS HerbertV OlivierW VandenheedeP RogiersP KolodzeikeM KruseT AndersenV HarjolaK SaarinenM LeoneA DurocherS MoulrontA LepapeM LosserP CabaretE KalaitzisE ZogheibP CharveB FrancoisJ Y LefrantB BeilounyX ForcevilleB MissetF JacobsF BernardD PayenA WynckelV CastelainA FaureP LavagneL ThierryM MoussaA Vieillard-baronM DurandM GainnierC IchaiS ArensC HoffmannM KaffarnikC ScharnofskeI VoigtC PeckelsenM WeberJ GilleA LangeG SchoserA SablotzkiU JaschinskiA BluethgenF VogelA TscheuT FuchsM WattenbergT HelmesS ScieszkaM HeintzS SakkaJ KohlerF FiedlerM DanzY SakrR RiessenT KerzA KerstenF TackeG MarxT VolkertA SchmutzA NierhausS KlugeP AbelR JanosiS UtzolinoH BrachtS ToussaintM Giannakou PeftoulidouP MyrianthefsA ArmaganidisC RoutsiA XiniE MouloudiI KokorisG KyriazopoulosS VlachosA LavrentievaP PartalaG NakosA MollerS StefanssonJ BarryR O'learyC MotherwayM FaheemE DunneM DonnellyT KonradE BonoraC AchilliS RossiG CastiglioneA PerisD AlbaneseN StocchettiG CiterioL MozzoniE SisilloP De NegriM SavioliP VecchiarelliF PufleaV StankovicG MinojaS MontibellerP CalligaroR SorrentinoM FeriM ZambonE ColombaroliA GiarratanoT PellisC CapraM AntonelliA GulloC ChelazziA De CaprarisN PatronitiM GirardisF FranchiG BerlotM ButtigiegH PonssenJ Ten CateL BormansS HusadaM BuiseB Van Der HovenA ReidingaM KuiperP PickkersG KlugeS Den BoerJ KeseciogluH Van LeeuwenH FlaattenS MoV BrancoF RuaE LafuenteM SousaN CatorzeM BarrosL PereiraA Vintém De OliveiraJ GomesI GasparM PereiraM CymbronA DiasE AlmeidaS BeiraoI SerraR RibeiroP PovoaF FariaZ Costa-e-silvaJ NóbregaF FernandesJ GabrielG VogaE RupnikL KosecM Kerin PovšicI OsojnikV TomicA SinkovicJ GonzálezE ZavalaJ Pérez ValenzuelaL MarinaP Vidal-cortésP PosadaA Ignacio Martin-loechesN Muñoz GuillénM PalomarJ Sole-violanA TorresM Gonzalez GallegoG AguilarR Montoiro AlluévM ArgüesoM ParejoM Palomo NavarroA JoseN NinF Alvarez LermaO MartinezE Tenza LozanoS Arenal LópezM Perez GrandaS MorenoC LlubiaC De La Fuente MartosP Gonzalez-arenasN Llamas FernándezB Gil RuedaI Estruch PonsN CruzaF MarotoA EstellaA FerrerL Iglesias FraileB QuindosA QuintanoM TebarP CardinalA ReyesA RodríguezA AbellaS García Del ValleS YusE MasedaJ BerezoA Tejero PedregosaC LaplazaR FerrerJ Rico-feijooM RodríguezP MonederoK ErikssonD LindD ChabanelH ZenderK HeerB FrankenbergerS JakobA HallerS MathewR DownesC Barrera GrobaA JohnstonR MeacherR KeaysP Haji-michaelC TylerA FergusonS JonesD TylA BallJ VogelM BoothP DownieM WattersS BrettM GarfieldL EverettS HeenenS DhirZ BeardowM MostertS BrosnanN PintoS HarrisA SummorsN AndrewA RoseR AppelboamO DaviesE VickersB AgarwalT SzakmanyS WimbushI WeltersR PearseR HollandsJ Kirk-bayleyN FletcherB BrayD Brealeysubject
InternationalityTime FactorsDatabases Factualmedicine.medical_treatmentlnfectious Diseases and Global Health Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences [Radboudumc 4]Settore MED/41 - AnestesiologiaCritical Care and Intensive Care Medicinelaw.invention0302 clinical medicinelawRisk Factors80 and over030212 general & internal medicineHospital Mortality610 Medicine & healthAged 80 and overMedical Auditfluid outputMiddle AgedWater-Electrolyte Balancefluid administrationIntensive care unitfluid administration; fluid output; outcome; septic shock; Adult; Aged; Aged 80 and over; Databases Factual; Hospital Mortality; Humans; Intensive Care Units; Internationality; Medical Audit; Middle Aged; Risk Factors; Sepsis; Time Factors; Fluid Therapy; Water-Electrolyte Balance; Critical Care and Intensive Care MedicineIntensive Care UnitsCohortoutcomeHumanCohort studyAdultmedicine.medical_specialtyTime FactorSepsiIntensive Care UnitObservational StudySepsis03 medical and health sciencesDatabasesSepsisHemofiltrationmedicineJournal ArticleHumansRisk factorIntensive care medicineFactualHetastarchAgedbusiness.industrySeptic shockRisk Factor030208 emergency & critical care medicinefluid administration fluid output outcome septic shockmedicine.diseaseseptic shockFluid Therapybusinessdescription
Contains fulltext : 177598.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) OBJECTIVES: Excessive fluid therapy in patients with sepsis may be associated with risks that outweigh any benefit. We investigated the possible influence of early fluid balance on outcome in a large international database of ICU patients with sepsis. DESIGN: Observational cohort study. SETTING: Seven hundred and thirty ICUs in 84 countries. PATIENTS: All adult patients admitted between May 8 and May 18, 2012, except admissions for routine postoperative surveillance. For this analysis, we included only the 1,808 patients with an admission diagnosis of sepsis. Patients were stratified according to quartiles of cumulative fluid balance 24 hours and 3 days after ICU admission. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: ICU and hospital mortality rates were 27.6% and 37.3%, respectively. The cumulative fluid balance increased from 1,217 mL (-90 to 2,783 mL) in the first 24 hours after ICU admission to 1,794 mL (-951 to 5,108 mL) on day 3 and decreased thereafter. The cumulative fluid intake was similar in survivors and nonsurvivors, but fluid balance was less positive in survivors because of higher fluid output in these patients. Fluid balances became negative after the third ICU day in survivors but remained positive in nonsurvivors. After adjustment for possible confounders in multivariable analysis, the 24-hour cumulative fluid balance was not associated with an increased hazard of 28-day in-hospital death. However, there was a stepwise increase in the hazard of death with higher quartiles of 3-day cumulative fluid balance in the whole population and after stratification according to the presence of septic shock. CONCLUSIONS: In this large cohort of patients with sepsis, higher cumulative fluid balance at day 3 but not in the first 24 hours after ICU admission was independently associated with an increase in the hazard of death.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2017-03-01 |