

Introduction to Self-Assembled Monolayers

Marta Galbiati


Tunnel magnetoresistanceResistive touchscreenFabricationSpin polarizationSpintronicsMagnetoresistanceMolecular electronicsNanotechnologySelf-assembled monolayer


One of the most exciting targets of molecular spintronics field is to go towards multifunctional devices where the properties can be accurately controlled and actively changed. Spin dependent hybridization at the metal/molecule interface could thus be used in the tailoring of the resistive and magnetoresistive response of spintronic devices exploiting chemistry versatility. In this new direction, Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) appear as highly promising candidates since each part and function of this system can be modulated independently (like a molecular LEGO building unit). Despite highly promising, they are still scarcely investigated in the literature probably due to the difficulties in device fabrication. This chapter will start by explaining more in details the advantages of SAMs for spintronics and some methods used in molecular electronics to contact single molecular layers. Then, it will report on theoretical models used to describe the charge transport through a SAM barrier and finally a state of the art on molecular spintronics will be also introduced.
