

Training teachers for effective Citizenship and Intercultural Education. A best practice

Cristiano IngugliaPasquale Musso


Settore M-PSI/04 - Psicologia Dello Sviluppo E Psicologia Dell'EducazioneIntercultural education Citizenship education training best practices


The paper aims at introducing the training methodology developed during the project “Training Citizenship and Intercultural Education: methods and resources for adult learning (Tra.C.I.E.)”. The project was funded in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Program (Grundtvig, Multilateral projects) and involved five organizations of different European countries (Italy, Bulgaria, Portugal, Romania, and Spain). Tra.C.I.E. methodology consists of a set of curricula for the training of the educators in the field of Citizenship and Intercultural Education. It was developed on the basis of an analysis of the main needs of the European educators, as well as considering the best practices already developed in the countries of the consortium. Each training curriculum is composed by six modules and was field-tested in the countries of the project consortium involving 425 participants.
