

Integrating landscape connectivity analysis into the decision making process of linear infrastructure track location

Xavier Girardet


[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography[ SHS.GEO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography


International audience; Before the final decision for the construction of new infrastructure, several tracks are proposed. The locations of these tracks are based primarily on economic considerations and technical criteria depending on the topography of the area. However, ecological networks and the impact of each scenario can leads to habitat connectivity are missing to decision-making. Here, the methodology proposed aims to evaluate each scenario based on the potential impact they induce on the connectivity of an ecological network. Method: To model the ecological network of several species, two landscape graphs are constructed depending on (1) the minimum required habitat patch area and (2) the maximum dispersal distance. These two graphs represent the ecological networks of two species profiles living in forested areas.
